Funmi's Life In Lockdown

Amidst the outbreak of the corona virus and it's  ability to make even the greatest of men locked up in their apartments. We decided to curate various tales of people living in lockdown across the globe, so you know you're not alone and of course, laugh.  Here is Funmi Abejide,a Nigerian Food Vendor and Serial Entrepreneur’s lockdown tale. You're welcome!

May the readers know a bit about You?, your hobbies and favourite places to go?.  
My name is Funmi Abejide  I am a wife,mother of 4 "amazing" kids, and a serial entrepreneur.I love my space, I love researching new and trending topics on food, health, spirituaility and weight loss. Attending Owambez that are litty litty is worth the while for me.
                 How was your life before this all happened,you know the Lockdown?, 
 did it take any toll on your business?
   It sure did! The lockdown absolutely took it’s toll. As an event entrepreneur we’ve not had  engagements since the lockdown it’s been tough but we remain hopeful.
       what’s it like being an entrepreneur, wife,mother and slay chef during the lockdown?
 It’s a mixed feeling ,in all honesty I’ll choose my normal life over this. Income isn’t guaranteed now,The kids aren’t in school which means I’m mom ,teacher ,nurse , nanny and even wonder woman if that’s who I need to be; but it’s a whole 'nother stress.

And we value and adore our Mothers!

 Since we've got enough time to learn new skills and achieve procrastinated goals, what have you been up to?. 

I signed myself up for some online courses but between us, I hardly ever attend those classes .
Your secret is safe with us!

how do you find balance in all this chaos? And what would you say has been your coping mechanism through it all? 
Admist all this  God’s words gives me peace ,I also create time to self reflect and meditate very often.

Be honest, on a scale of kicking your kids out or giving them sleeping pills how desperate has the lockdown turned you to?.  
*  Evil laughter * Every now and then I kick them out, but to one place only -Grandma’s house. They are currently there as we hold this interview.
what's a day in Funmi’s life post virus outbreak?
It was basically a mix of mummy/wifey duties that got me busy during the week - care for the kids, school runs, helping with home work and projects, cooking etc. And of course, I made time out to go on social media daily - for relaxation, catching up ,witht world and keeping up an appearance on my business handles. 

My weekends usually started early- from say Thursday with preparations for weekend events;  You know, the weddings, burials and Owambez. Sometimes, I'm a guest but most times a vendor.

What would you say you miss most about going “outside”?
 It's definitely the events! I miss them, not only for the obvious financial reasons but also that flow you can only get from doing what you love. 

 Although few, there are noticeable perks of staying at home, like bonding with the kids and discovering hidden talents. What can you say has been an advantage of you staying indoors?. 

Nothing!, it has done no good.  * Aunty Rona, please come and be going*.

Well that'll be all, thanks for your candidness. Stay safe and well!

And while you're here, be sure to check our Yummy mummy's business handle for the best meals you could get while at home- @TIWANY'SKITCHEN_CATERING.


  1. Was cool reading my own interview. Good job girls

    1. Thank you Mama
      It was such an honor ❤️


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